I'm mainly interested in FF5 so everything I will say will be for FF5. but I guess in summer time, so its normal.

I'm surprised that with so many FF fans around nobody responded. If you want an offline version you can download it from GitHub. Everything is happening right on your computer. In case you're worried about uploading your ROM file in a browser, keep in mind that there's no server-side code involved. I'm eventually going to keep track of empty space and relocate data as needed to fix this issue but I haven't gotten around to it yet. This affects some things more than others. When you save your ROM, FF6Tools doesn't do any checks to make sure you don't overwrite adjacent data in the ROM, so expect gameplay glitches if you make major changes.

With the battle editor you can drag monsters around and edit their stats. When editing map backgrounds, select a layer and left click on the map to change the tiles. With the map editor you can edit map backgrounds, create and edit triggers and NPCs, and edit the event script. The main tools are the map editor and the battle editor. I appreciate any feedback, either here or on the FF6Hacking forums! This project is still in an early stage, so expect to find a few bugs here and there. This project started as an app for Mac OS X, but I decided to rewrite it in javascript so that it will work on any operating system. It's written primarily in javascript and it's been tested on Chrome, Firefox, and Safari. FF6Tools is a browser-based ROM editor for Final Fantasy VI.